Tuesday, October 27, 2020

AEM 6.5 New Features/Upgrades


AEM 6.5 New Features/Upgrades

1.    Java Support – Now from Version 6.5, AEM supports Java 11, as well as the already supported Java 8 with additional switches will need to be added to your command line when starting AEM.


2.    Java Content Repository - Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.10.2 (Latest Version)


3.    Quickstart uses Eclipse Jetty 9.4.15 as servlet engine.


4.    UberJar - There are now two versions of the Uber jar:



Uber Jar (Recommended)








Uber Jar with Deprecated APIs 









5.    Online Revision Cleanup – It means estimationcompaction and cleanup of repository now be done when we are running AEM Instance no need to shut down.


6.    HTL Changes – Introduced new features (https://github.com/adobe/htl-spec/releases/tag/1.4)


7.    New Permissions Management UI for Users and Groups (Directly from Touch UI)


8.    Column Views now include the workflow status for pages/assets when applicable.


9.    Select all action – This is a quick way to execute an action with all pages/assets in the same folder. The Select All action attempts to perform the action to all pages/assets, not just what has been loaded. A warning dialog will be shown if the action has not been upgraded to handle Bulk Actions


10.  New Workflow Model editor - Introduced in 6.4 has been improved to include more operations like Copy and Publish, Variable support in Workflow steps and enhanced OR and AND splits.


11.  Direct in-place upgrade to AEM 6.5 is supported for customers running AEM 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4.


12.  Adobe Asset Link – Now a creator who is working in the Adobe Creative Cloud Applications like Photoshop, Illustrator, or InDesign has an option to connect to AEM Assets using Adobe Asset Link


13.  SPA Editors are more powerful in AEM 6.5 with multi-site management as follows:

First shipped as part of AEM 6.4 SP2, with AEM 6.5 the SPA support gains following capabilities:

·         Use Template Editor to edit and configure the AEM editable parts of the SPA

·         Use Multi-site Management to create country, franchise or white-labeled SPA experiences 

14.  Smart Crop for Images/Videos

      Adobe Sensei based Smart Crop features allow you to smart crop all your images/Videos      automatically within the Experience Manager. There is no need for any other tool.

15.  Visual Search - Visual search is an Adobe Sensei powered search capability to find visually similar assets in the DAM.

     Adobe Sensei powers intelligent features across all Adobe Products to dramatically improve the design and delivery of the digital experience using Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning.

     Visual Search is also powered by Adobe Sensei, which identifies the content and composition of your image — and automatically adds Meta Tags to instantly deliver search results based on the visual information.

     You don’t need to translate a visual to text to search. You simply need to drag and drop an image into the search bar and Visual Search will tag, search, and deliver similar images.

16.  Headless Content Delivery:

A headless CMS decouples or separates the back- end functions from the front-end presentation function. It lets developers render content objects for any application or device.

Headless CMSs retrieve raw content as data through API calls and enable developers to build as many front-ends or “heads” as your various channels support.


17.  Migrating to Oak Segment Tar - Only the new Oak Segment Tar is supported after AEM 6.3.

In AEM 6.3 changes to the storage format were needed, especially for improving the performance and efficacy of Online Revision Cleanup. These changes are not backwards compatible, and repositories created with the old Oak Segment (AEM 6.2 and previous) must be migrated.

Additional benefits of changing the storage format:

·         Better scalability (optimized segment size).

·         Faster Data Store Garbage Collection.

·         Ground work for future enhancements.


18.  Livecopy Overview UI provide an instant view of the status, replacing the Blueprint Control Center.


19.  Upgrades on spam detection engine that has been provided to filter out unwanted user generated content on community sites and groups.



20.  If you are running Oracle Java 11 (or generally versions of Java newer than 8), additional switches will need to be added to your command line when starting AEM.



21.  Search in Oak now supports dynamic facets. For example the filter rail in assets search show the estimated amount of results.


22.  Security Feature: Added Password expiry for admin user.



23. Adobe is deprecating the Coral UI 2 components in 2019. From AEM 6.4, it is completely based on Coral UI 3 (introduced with AEM 6.2). Adobe recommends its customers and partners that have build custom UIs with Coral 2 to refactored these to Coral 3 using Dialog conversion tool.

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