Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Overlay and Overide in AEM


Overlay and Overide in AEM


Overlaying means copying component from /libs/ folder to /apps/ folder. After that you can impose your own definitions like you can title, component group, business logic on the newly copied components under /apps/ according to our requirements.


Note: You should never change anything under /libs/ as adobe keep providing updates, so changes will be made under /libs/ will be overwritten when you upgrade your AEM.


As per the default OSGI preferences AEM uses a search path to find a resource, searching first the /apps/ branch and then the /libs branch so your newly copied components under /apps/ gets priority than the /libs/.


We can modify search paths and its priority order by changing it from the Felix console “Apache Sling Resource Resolver Factory” configurations.



When you are overlaying a component remember that both components can show up in the authors sidekick, For your overlay /apps/ component , if the title, componentgroup are the same as /libs/ component, in design mode of the parsys to enable component distinguish them with different name for your project component.


Overriding means creating a custom component manually by creating all necessary nodes and setting value of sling:superResourceType property to that component, so that it will inherit all the feature from component under /libs/ so that even after upgrade you still inherit the features of that component.


Note: Here we can use the sling:superResourceType for any component that you want to inherit functionality (example from projectA component to ProjectB etc., not only restricted to libs).


Example :

Overlaying node from /libs/ to /apps/ and changing dialog value

Copy following node structure to /apps/:


Under /libs/ text value is “Rollout page and all sub pages” as follows:

After overlaying it under /apps/ we can change its value to “Rollout page and all sub pages under it” as follows:

After overlaying the dialog value will be changed


Overriding AEM Core component

Here we are overriding AEM core text component using sling:superResourceType 

We have changed jcr:title and other properties as per our requirements

Output will be as follows:

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