Monday, November 9, 2020

AEM Introduction and sample site


AEM Introduction and sample site

Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) is a content management solution that helps professionals keep track of their content.

AEM can be termed as a faster and an easier way to give access to customers what they want by providing them with user-friendly interfaces and built-in features.

As it’s easy to use, AEM has gained a huge popularity for the product as well as for the organization.

AEM provides functionality to develop:

ü  Sites in multiple countries.

ü  Sites in multiple languages.

AEM provides personalisation feature it means presenting personalised experiences (based on age, gender, geography etc...) to end customers.


Project Creation in AEM:

In AEM, Site is created manually or we can start by using Maven archetype.

Step 1: Create sample project using AEM maven archetype 22. This archetype creates a minimal Adobe Experience Manager project as a starting point for projects.

Step 2: Go to project location and run following command:

mvn clean install –PautoInstallPackage

This will deploy project to AEM.

Step 3: Import project into eclipse

Project Structure in crx/de

A - Default components provided by Maven archetype that you can be use in project. You can also modify these components to meet business requirements. 

B - Files that create page content, including footers, top navigation, and so on. For example, you can find footer content in this file: /apps/AEM62App/components/structure/page/partials/footlibs.html. 

C - Configuration information for the OSGI service. 

D - Default i18n files (For Multilingual sites)

E - Defines two templates: page content and page home. 



AEM has provided pre-built core components that we can be directly used in site creation:

For example,

Image component:

we can directly drag and drop any image and author other properties

Text Component

The text component lets an author enter text into an AEM web page. It uses properties from core/wcm/components/text/v1/text.


AEM welcome page, http://localhost:4502/aem/start.html provides us complete navigation for managing sites.

Here developer can create/manage:

·         Editable templates


Editable templates allow specialised authors to create and update page templates and manage advanced policy configurations with Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Sites.


·         Content Fragments


Content Fragments are typically created as channel-agnostic content that is intended to be used and re-used across channels, which in turn wrap the content in a context-specific experience.


·         Experience Fragments


Experience Fragments allows content authors to reuse content across channels. For example different view of Facebook content for mobile and website.


·         Assets

Images, Videos, pdf’s and other assets related to project.

·         User Permissions  

Create, delete, and modify permission for users and groups.


·         Personalization

Creating personalised experience for different audience on basis of no. of factors like location, age, gender, browser, device type etc.

·       Workflows –To automate the process for example auto publishing content or assets on live site.

Sample Site created in AEM

AEM Internationalization feature, allow us to create site for different countries with different languages.


Experience Fragment for creating Header

 Experience Fragment for creating Footer

Assets for site i.e. images, document and content fragment.


Editable Template for site


Content Fragment Model

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