Friday, November 6, 2020

Core Components


Core Components


The current release of the Core Components is 2.6.0 and is compatible with AEM 6.5.

The major iteration of the Core Components are the versions. Each component has a version. Versions are denoted with v1 and v2. 

If you want to get started straight away trying out the Core Components, head over to the Component Library at


·         Core Components require AEM 6.3 or higher and require the use of editable templates. They do not work with the Classic UI nor with static templates.


·         The Core Components are by default part of a hidden group and are not visible within the component browser.



Project/Site specific components are (usually) located under:



AEM has also provided us Foundation components. We have 2 paths for foundation components as below:

HTL: /libs/wcm/foundation/components 

JSP: /libs/foundation/components


But Adobe has provided Core components that are built on the latest technology and best practices.

Core components make page authoring more flexible and customizable, and extending them to offer custom functionality is simple for the developer.

Adobe recommends using Core Components which are available at /apps/core/wcm/components


For Example below, here they clearly mentioned the Deprecated reason

Go to,

/libs/foundation/components/text (JSP) with text.jsp

Go to,

/libs/wcm/foundation/components/text (HTL) with text.html


Now, we have core component

Go to,

/apps/core/wcm/components/text/v2/text (Version 2) of Text Core Component

Difference between Core components and foundation Components:

Benefits of using Core Components:

·         Pre-Configurable

·         Versatile

·         Easy-to-Use

·         Production-Ready

·         Easy to Style

·         Extensible

·         SPA/App Ready

·         Open Source

·         Versioned

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