Friday, November 6, 2020

Custom UI Mode Using ContextHub


Custom UI Mode Using ContextHub


Step 1:

Go to, http://localhost:4502/libs/cq/personalization/touch-ui/content/audiences.html


Personalization->Audiences (Segments)

Create 3 Audiences as follows:



Step 2:

Go to, http://localhost:4502/etc/cloudsettings/default/contexthub.html


Tools->Sites->ContextHub->Default->DefaultHub Configuration

Click on Create -> ContextHub UI Mode


Provide Title and Icon            

Icons can be found at:


Step 3:

Click on Create -> ContextHub StoreConfiguration

Provide Title and Type

Step 4:

Go to, 


Tools->Sites->ContextHub->Default->DefaultHub Configuration->Search Engine

Click on Create -> ContextHub UI Module(generic)


Provide Title and Module Type



You can see created UI mode in CRXDE at following locations:






Step 5:

Go to, /apps/customUIMode

As above create 2 folders :

1. modules 

2. stores

Under that create folders of type “cq:ClientLibraryFolder”

1. modules -> 03-renderer-with-popover

2. stores -> 03-jsonp-store

Add categories property for both the above folders as follows:

1. 03-renderer-with-popover (contexthub.module.demo.03-renderer-with-popover)

2. 03-jsonp-store (

Create js files under both folders as follows:

1. 03-renderer-with-popover -> renderer.renderer-with-popover.js

2. 03-jsonp-store -> store.jsonp-store.js

Add js code to both the files:

1.      store.jsonp-store.js

2.      renderer.renderer-with-popover.js


You can see your custom UI Mode Under contextHub menu.



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